Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dahl Hatch Tribute Book

Here's a tribute book I put together using pictures from my Dad's site and all the history and stories posted on this blog. I sent it to Grandma but wanted to share it with the rest of you.

Click here to view this photo book larger


Diane said...

I've seen the original, great job.

Traci Barnes said...

Grandma was very impressed and promised to bring the book to Utah next week. She was very touched by your efforts Gina.


Gina Rochelle said...

Thanks for all your great stories everyone! It was so fun re-reading those and feeling closer to Grandpa!

Rex Hatch said...

How much would it cost to buy a copy?

Gina Rochelle said...

It looks like they would charge about $60 because of the size and the special scrapbooking style. I used a coupon I was given as a gift to make the book. If I get ambitious I'll make a cheaper version for people to buy using another company but feel free to copy and paste the text and steal pics from my dad's site if someone wants to make their own. Some places you can get them as cheap as $7 ( but of course it won't be as big or fancy. If enough people are interested I'll look into making a cheaper version.