Monday, June 15, 2009


Guess what?!!
Nicole got accepted into a very prestigious internship at Lockheed Martin. She will be doing 6 month turns at different jobs either in the Bay area or a number of places around the country for the next two years. They only took 5 out of tons of applicants, so hats off to Nicole!!

A note about tender mercies: Nicole was transferred from a particular project several months ago that just recently got canceled (that means that many may loose their jobs). Her current project may get canceled in the near future too, so this move into this internship comes at a pivotal time. In the mist of life, I hope we look hard to see the tender mercies.


Gina Rochelle said...

Congrats Nic! So if Jesse wins and we move to Fort Worth will you transfer there and come play with us?

Diane said...

Good for her. I wish I had 1/2 her brains....I voting for SoCal, sorry Rochelle.

Kent said...

Congratulations! Best of luck in the program.