Monday, June 22, 2009

Spectacular Fall

"You're going to brake your neck" I've heard the warning a thousand times - and this time they were right. Just 100 yards from the end of the ride I drifted a few feet off the trail and got my front tire tangled in some deep weeds. The laws of physics dictate that when the object your are riding stops suddenly, bad things will happen. So over the bars I went, right onto my head.

I earned a night in the hospital and several more appointments with my hand doctor and my spine doctor. Fortunately the arthritic gunk in my spine will help things heal quickly. The broken knuckle might take a little longer.

Next time I'll try some training wheels.


Diane said...

You'll have to work on your flying.

Kent said...

I'm sure I looked good while flying. I need to work on the landing part.

Gina Rochelle said...

When they told you to use your head while biking, I don't think this is what they meant. Ouch!