Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Trevors Wedding

The "boys" enjoying the reception

Trevor's Wedding

Mom and Shelley, enjoying the nice reception in Spanish Fork

I waited for a Barn/Wood family member to mention this event, but thought I'd better get it on the site before the month was over.. On December 4, 2008 Trevor Wood and Heidi Skousen got married .

Christmas at Kents
I'm glad the boys were
not early riser. Grandma
and myself enjoys the day
at Kent. We ate and enjoyed
the company.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cannons Celebrate In Style

Thank you, Nana, for the beautiful Christmas clothes. We look great!!!
Julie never ceases to amaze me! She and David were concerned that we don't have a fireplace for Santa to use to deliver presents, so they made their own. David made the bricks by drawing "brick" lines on red construction paper. Julie made the fire by layering papers she cut into "fire" shapes over one another. I still look at our "fireplace" in wonder - Julie is brilliant!
(If you click on the picture above, it will appear larger.)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grandma finally got on the blog with the help of Diane. I am open to all comments and news items.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sermons We See
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day:
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear.
Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear,
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creed
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done.
I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue to fast may run
And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,
But I'd rather get my lesson by observing what you do:
For I might misunderstand you, and the high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
When I see a deed of kindness, I am eagar to be kind.
When a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stays behind.
Just to see if he can help him, the wish grows strong in me
To become as big and thoughtful and I know that friend to be.
And all travelers can witness that the best of guides today
Is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way.
One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold,
One deed of kindness noticed, is worth forty that are told.
Who stands with men of honor learns to hold his honor dear.
For right living speaks a language which to every one is clear.
Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence I say,
I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day.
-Edgar A Guest-

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dahlism #1

Here is my first attempt at Blogging. I have Dads "Little Black Books", and I will try to post Dahlism's periodically. If you have any, you can find this picture in Russell's blog. Please make sure you have shared this blog with all your family, if they need an invite to add, let Rochelle know.
"Make a little money first, then make a little money last"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Letter from Bethe

Dear Family,
  How great is was last month to have so many of you here to honor and celebrate your Father and Grandfather's life.   He was beloved by many people.    I can't even tell you many have commented on the wonderful funeral and particularly his  children's tributes to him.    Some have said they want a funeral just like that and they would know they were a
success if their children could say the same things about  them...  Many have said how much they enjoyed the music.  -  great quartet and the fine looking, clean cut grandchildren that  sang "Families Can be Together Forever".   One friend said she told her long haired grandson to promise  to  cut his hair before he came to her funeral.    
  Here is   what Aunt Quola wrote in her Christmas card,  "I did want to tell you that I was warmed and blessed by the wonderful things all your children said about their father as they honored him at his special   service.   It was a real tribute to him and brought back many memories of happier times and thoughts.    May the Lord   bless you as you recenter your life".
  As a new widow Dixie said I would have to shift gears which I am trying to do.
Diane and I will go out to Kent's for Christmas Eve and day.    The next week I  am flying to Sacramento to join Traci and Dave for a few days including New Year's Eve.   And I did make it to Utah for Trevor's wedding and few days of festivities there.    So my life is not dull.
   I hope you all have a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year and am looking forward to any visits you may plan to the old homestead in Bellflower.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Zions Narrows

This is what I sent Traci to use in her comments at the funeral:

My best memories with Dahl are hikes that we took. I remember when we were rushing through the Zion's Narrows hike to make sure everyone made it through the canyon before it got dark. We stopped by a side canyon to eat lunch and then hiked another hour downstream before Dahl remembered leaving his camera at the side canyon. Dahl and I sent the others on ahead to stay on schedule and then hiked back to where we ate lunch. After retrieving the camera, we turned around and raced back down canyon toward the others in the group. Hiking fast on any trail is tough, but Zion's Narrows with its deep cold water and slippery rocks is not meant to be rushed. We actually caught up to the rest of the group before they finished the hike (and with plenty of daylight to spare).  Shelley still gives me a hard time about having rushed the hike too fast.  When we got to Zions Lodge to use the bathroom, Dahl started going into the ladies room.  When I told him that he was going to the wrong bathroom, he just smiled, waved, and headed into the women's wash room anyway.  He quickly returned and asked me why I didn't tell him he was going the wrong way.

I was very sore the next morning and ready to enjoy sleeping in, but Dahl got me up at the crack of dawn and insisted on hiking up Angel's Landing.  In order to maintain my manhood and the illusion that I could keep up with my father-in-law on even the toughest hikes, I rolled out of my sleeping bag and climbed up Wally's Wiggles to the top of Angel's Landing.  I always wondered where Dahl got the strength and energy to out hike men who were 30 years his junior!  It must have been all that training in the Army!

I am fortunate to have a wife and children that inherited Dahl's love of hiking and his appreciation for the beauties of nature.


Friday, December 12, 2008

The Christmas Story

We thought this was a fun way to take some of the attention away from the anticipation of presents under the tree and focus on the real reason we should be excited about Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dahl's Pals

We figured Dahl's namesake and "looks-sake" should have his hats. Brooke just looked cute in it.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Last Farewell to Grandpa Hatch

As we gathered for Dahl's funeral, it was very fitting that we were also able to take time to bless his most recent great grandson addition to the large and growing Dahl Hatch family.  Hunter Dal Cannon was born on November 14th while Dahl was able to enjoy the pre-Thanksgiving gift of new great grandson carrying his name into the future.  Chris and Lindy had both sets of Hunter's grandparents in Bellflower so that they could join in the blessing at Bethe's home after the funeral.

It was a beautiful day today after a very foggy night last night.  It was the type of day that Dahl would have enjoyed going on a long hike up in the mountains.  We gathered at the Veterans' Cemetery in Riverside to pay our last respects to Dahl.  This flag draping his coffin was properly folded and presented to Bethe in honor of Dahl's military service during WWII.  This has been a Thanksgiving weekend full of emotion and gratitude for the life that Dahl left and the example that he set for all of us.  Hatch Thanksgiving reunions have been a memorable part of my life since attending my first one in Parker, Arizona back in 1976.  It was fitting that Dahl's passing was timed to allow this funeral and gathering over Thanksgiving weekend when so many of the Hatch clan could gather for one more memorable reunion.  I'm sure the reunion on the other side of the veil was also one filled with tears of happiness and gratitude as Dahl joined his family and so many brothers and sisters who were there to greet him with open arms.

Thoughts on a wonderful man

As Matt was gone to Grandpa's funeral, I spent some time thinking about Dahl. I absolutely LOVE this man. He has such a goodness about him. He is gentle and kind. I have adored him since the first time we met. I loved sitting and talking with him. He literally twinkled; he just had a special sparkle about him. He was such a smart man, a true man of God, and a loving husband, father, and grandpa.

He and Bethe paid for countless reunions and trips so the family could get together and enjoy each other. They truly got joy from the company of family and the shrill noises of little children running around. They have 5 children and many grand and great-grandchildren, but yet when I talked with them, I felt like I was the only one, like I was loved just as everyone else was. They have helped Matt and I out in times when we needed it most and I am forever grateful for that.

Dahl has been heroically struggling with illness in his lungs for quite some time, and this release was a blessing for him. Although it was expected and even hoped for, his passing is still sad for those he left behind. I mourn for the heartache of his wife Bethe, and for his 5 children, and for his grandchildren and loved ones. I know they are hurting right now and I pray for their peace and comfort.

I am grateful for the belief and knowledge we have that we will all be together again. I wholeheartedly believe in eternity, and know that our families will all rejoice and embrace together again. Until then, Dahl will be greatly missed here on earth.