(from last year) I asked Emma to tell me the Easter Story. She gave a fairly accurate account of the major events, telling me Jesus rode on a donkey and the people had leaves and someone got a sword on their ear and then (mysteriously) there was some red stuff, and Jesus said a prayer. I was feeling pretty good that my daughter was getting the true meaning of Easter in her own 4-year-old way and then she got to the end: "And the lady was sad, because she thought he was dead, but he wasn't dead. They were happy because they went outside and there were eggs. And so it was Easter."
Friday, April 10, 2009
Family Letter:
Dear Family, I wish you could all drop in and visit me. The yard is filled with beautiful flowers (and weeds) and the orange trees are dropping sweet smelling blossoms. And I am sitting here listening to my favorites on iTunes (thanks to Diane and girls). I am fast being yanked into the new age of electronics and learning more than I ever even wanted. I got a cell phone 801-739-4665 which will only be on when I am away from home. It was confusing at first and then the missionaries dropped by and gave me a quick lesson for slow learners and now I can get your messages and call out. That may be all I want to know although I have been threatened with more information from some of you. I hope you all got to watch Conference last weekend. I thought Elder Hale and Elder Oaks gave timely advice - like provident living, asking yourself if I can afford it and then do I really need it. Tightening our belt straps will be a good learning lesson for all of us. And warnings against greed and entitlement were timely. We can't go wrong if we follow the prophet. Are you all checking the Hatch Batch website? Some of you are really good about contributing so I hope you all take time to check it out.. I'm glad Shelley put on Dad's history. And you can see what a good time the Girls had on our Palm Springs outing a couple of weeks ago. It was nice to stop by Dahl's grave on our way. We picked beautiful roses from Diane's and my yard to decorate it. He loved his roses. Congratulations to Rebecca and Rex on their expecting another girl! That brings my grandchildren girl count up to 6 as opposed to the boy count of 14. Theirs will be the most evenly balanced family yet. But I love all my grandchildren and greats no matter the gender. Rex tells me he and Elijah will be here on the 4th of July weekend - so we will have the annual party in case you can put us on your calendar. The city of Bellflower is so cash straped that their will be no community fireworks this year. Cousin Steve and Suzie said they are already planning on coming. May you all have a Happy Easter and remember the resurection of our Lord along with your festivities. I will be thinking of you all. My life is still rich and full and I am content with full faith in the Plan of Salvation - as I hope yours is too. Much love, Mom (Grandma) political incorrect joke: A liberal is a person with distorted reasoning and without faith. A Muslim is a person with distorted faith and without reasoning.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Family Letter:
Hi to everyone. With alls those Birthdays past, I thought I'd share a little of the girls weekend. We picked the best weekend, the one before rained/snowed and this weekend had high winds, fire, and the Tram was stuck. People couldn't come down. We started by visiting Dads grave site, and bringing him some flowers from his own yard. We then stopped at the outlet mall and shopped and shopped. Then we checked in at the hotel and spa. As you can see, a large pool and 8 smaller pool. After dinner, we soaked in the hot springs and relaxed. Of coarse we had to do some spa time and relax some more. Then we headed up the tram in Palms Springs, it's quiet the ride on the spinning gondula. We hiked around in the snow, loosing the path frequently, and finding our way back to the tram before dark.
After shopping (shopping, shopping) at the Outlet mall on the way home (Traci was the big winner of a new wardrode), we enjoyed another day in Bellflower.
As you can see none of us look a year older??? And relaxed???
All's well in Bellfower, I was released from being choir pianist ( a real pianist moved into the ward), and I was put back into RS as Enrichment leader. Hope everyone is doing great, it was nice catching up with the girls.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Last week Mom and the girls were able to visit Dad's grave site for the first time, and reminisced about times passed. He is missed.