Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Traci!!!
Finally you are older than me, again, it's been a tough 11 days. Hope you had a great day. Thanks for being a good older sister.
Love Ya,


Jess and Matt said...

I have just had my wardrobe analyzed by my daughter in law, Brittany. She is a certified wardrobe shopper, styler, etc person. Kara and Jessica participated by giving the "Oh my, that has got to go" look for many things that I tried on. When Brittany gave her opinion the other two chimed in with agreement. My DI bag got fuller as the hour wore on until my closet is now full of empty hangers. I am just wondering if the glasses in the picture above would get to stay if these girls could have a say there too?

Kent said...

Keep the glasses. The retro look works for you!