Tiny Beckham was born 4 1/2 weeks early, Aug 26th. He is in the NICU but doing quite well. Matt and I are so excited. Check out our blog for more info and pictures!
He is squinting in most pictures. He doesn't like the flash on the camera.
Jessica gave birth to a new baby boy this afternoon. Beckham weighed in at 5 pounds 10 oz. and arrived 3+ weeks early. Mother and baby are doing well, and proud dad, Matt, is beaming.
There's hope for all of you mothers who wonder if your child will never grow out of the stage when they go into total meltdown when you look at them wrong. Here is Julie at the Ranch a few years ago. She is now a big 8 year old and very enjoyable to be with. I hope Julie watches this when she has her own kids.
We had a great trip to Alaska and I am pleased to announce my first i movie ever. Click on the arrow and then play the video. You can make it go full screen by clicking on the four arrows that look like a flower. Needless to say WE HAD FUN!!
David enjoyed being the airline captain on the jet at the museum. Julie handed out tickets and made announcements at the flight desk while Josh handled the air traffic in the control tower.
I just could not resist taking a picture of this cute Latino child. The "Blame It On Mexico" message on his shirt seemed appropriate in front of the Alamo.
The ornament on top of the wedding cake fell off and broke towards the end of the reception. I quickly glanced around and was relieved that my grandkids were no where in sight and could not be to blame. I told Nate that it was a sign that he should give up skydiving! The reception at the home of Angie's parents in Austin was very nice
The San Antonio Temple has been on water restrictions due to drought in the area, but they hand water the trees, shrubs and some of the flowers to keep things looking nice. The temple itself is very beautiful with lots of stained glass windows.
Nate and Angie were sealed in the San Antonio Temple on August 1st. They left the next day for a honeymoon in Banff National Park in Canada. We appreciated all of our kids, Bethe, Diane, and Emily Evans Smith making the trip to Texas to join us.