Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Mission Call Date

The folks in the PEF Office in Salt Lake asked us to leave three weeks early, so our new date is July 22nd instead of August 12th.  We will be speaking in our home ward on July 21st.  After two weeks in the Provo MTC, we will fly to Accra on August 2nd or 3rd.

Mission Call to Ghana

Friday April 12, 2013

After checking the mail box every day, we finally had that big white envelope from 47 East South Temple arrive on Friday.

Our mission call is to serve in the Ghana Accra Mission.  Our primary assignment is to labor in the Arica West Area Perpetual Education Fund Self-Reliance program as self-reliance missionaries.  We will leave August 12th and will serve for 18 months.

It was 35 years ago that the revelation on the Priesthood extended to all worthy males.  Later that year, Ted and Janath Cannon were called with the Mabeys to open up missionary work in West Africa.

By the end of their mission, the membership had grown to 1,723 with 35 branches and 5 districts.  The real missionary work had been going on long before the Cannons arrived.  For decades, many local natives in these countries had started congregations, built buildings to meet in, and were doing extensive missionary work before any of them were even baptized.  We look forward to meeting many of these good pioneers of Africa along with their descendants.  It will be interesting to carry on the work that Ted and Janath started 35 years ago.


Judy said...

This is SO exciting. I'm sure your parents are going to be looking on!

Diane said...

Is that your spanish ward?

Russ Cannon said...

We actually get to speak in English in our home ward on July 21st.